Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The End of an Era

We've got some good news and some bad news.  First the bad news.  JMU's Office of Alumni Relations has decided to withdraw funding support for the MetroDukes Virginia Gold Cup event.  As you know, we have always priced our tickets at cost to keep prices as affordable as possible for our alums.  As a result, the event has never been a fundraiser for the MetroDukes.  In this bad economy, the Office of Alumni Relations wants to focus efforts on events with more fundraising potential. 

What's the good news?  You don't need us to go to Gold Cup and there are still tickets available!  Here is our advice for a great race day experience with your friends.  Get a North Rail car pass ($85) which gets your car, your friends, your food, and plenty of beverages in non-glass containers into Great Meadows.  When you get there, go all the way to the end of the North Rail - to the left if you're facing the races.  There, just past the tents, is an open space right along the rail.  If you get there right when gates open, you have a perfect, unobstructed view of the races!  If you pack the max 6 people in your car, it's only $14 per person!

If you have a bigger group and want a reserved spot, you can snag a 12 x 20 reserved rail parking spot in Row 1 on the South Rail for $525, nice and close to the races.  The reserved rail parking also comes with two additional car passes, and 6 Members Hill badges which can be shared.  If you pack the max 15 people in there, it's only $35 per person!

Don't want to drive?  No problem!  Lindy can hook you up with roundtrip bus transportation from Arlington or DC for $45 - but buy tickets soon because the price goes up as the event gets closer!

JMU alums have had a party at Gold Cup for the past 12 years (at least!), and we're sad to see our official event end.  We know you'll keep the JMU party going though!  If you want to link up with fellow alums going to the race, join our Facebook group JMU at Virginia Gold Cup and use the space to organize!

Don't forget to keep supporting the MetroDukes!  The MetroDukes are working hard on some new initiatives.  Stay up to date by friending the MetroDukes Chapter on Facebook.